Friday, June 4, 2010

Why I Doubt Anwar Ibrahim?

I have just finished reading 3 books namely:

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins and A Game as Old as Empire – edited by Steve Hiatt and the third book is Banker to the Poor by Muhammad Yunus – who was awarded the nobel peace prize for his work in eradicating poverty.

So what do these 3 books have to do with Anwar Ibrahim? Well all 3 give damning statements about how the World Bank and IMF and the likes are key tools for the US to corrupt governments of developing countries in order to gain control of these countries by making them indebted to these financial organizations. It is no wonder Tun Mahathir out right refused any help whatsoever from the IMF as he probably understood their modus operandi.

The first two books are unbelievable, eye popping, jaw dropping, stomach curdling.

“Economic hit men,” Perkins writes, “are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder.”

Now that I am starting to put two ad two together, I really have to question Anwar Ibrahim. Is he fighting for Malaysia or is he fighting for himself? Are his goals to lift Malaysia or is it for Malaysia to lift him? He is now the Chairman of the Foundation for the Future. What does this foundation do? Well read on…

Foundation for the Future Seeks to Promote Democracy in the Greater Middle East
Washington, DC, February 2, 2006

After consultations among civil society representatives and government officials from the United States, Europe, and the broader Middle East and North Africa, it was announced today that Rahma Bourqia of Morocco, Bakhtiar Amin of Iraq, and Anwar Ibrahim of Malaysia will serve as the selection committee to appoint the board of directors for the Broader Middle East and North Africa Foundation for the Future.

Why Broader Middle East and North Africa – which incidentally is a defined term, well read on…

Africa Policy Outlook 2006

2006 will help clarify whether the compassionate concern for the African continent, worn like a badge by western leaders last year, is a true determinant of Africa policy, or whether it merely masked other, more “strategic” and less “benevolent” impulses and interests.

In 2006, Africa will witness a new wave of U.S. soldiers landing on the continent for training and other missions, as Washington takes aim at reshaping Africa to better serve America’s security interests. The trend in the Bush Administration’s Africa policy is toward an even greater focus on the so-called “War on Terrorism,” with emphasis on intelligence gathering, securing “ungoverned spaces” on the vast continent, and pre-positioning soldiers and equipment to project force globally and to deter al-Qaeda in Africa. But American involvement in actual peacemaking or peacekeeping missions in Africa is far less likely, even as genocide continues in Darfur, Sudan.

The same Africa policy is equally intended to secure access to West African oil, which the Bush Administration now views as a strategic national interest. Imports of African oil are projected to grow from their current 15 percent of the U.S. total to 25 percent by 2015. The U.S. already imports more oil from Africa than Saudi Arabia, and within a decade it could become a greater source of oil imports than the whole of the Persian Gulf.

And finally.....

Walden Bello who has criticized Tun M, in KL, has this to say of the IMF

" The IMF has always been an unpopular figure in the Third World. But never has its connection to its principal “stockholder” been displayed as prominently as it is today, when the words of wisdom coming from US Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and IMF Managing Director Michel Camdessus have become virtually indistinguishable.

There is a belief going around industrial and government circles throughout Asia that Washington and the IMF conspired with the banks and speculators to bring about the region’s financial meltdown. The alleged reason: to derail Asia from its march to become America’s strategic economic and political rival in the 21st century. This is, of course, classic conspiracy theory, but it is a sign of the times that it now has the status of fact among economic and political elites that once served as Washington’s staunchest backers in Asia. "

*Copyright 1998 Focus on the Global South

Read the books and come to your own conclusions….. For me, the more I read, the more I doubt Anwar Ibrahim.