Friday, December 3, 2010


malays can actually be their own master if they are rsponsible, have good work ethics, free from corruption and abuse of power, good education and have dignity. Remember, we will not be the master of ourself and family if we are just an instrument for someone else. For example, when the malays get contracts and projects, we will always passed on to the experts in the chinese community who have the real knowledge. In the end, the practice of malay supremacy has led to the chinese being the masters. Surely, the chinese traders laugh at the malays because they realise that such malays have no self-worth, no dignity and are prepared to sell malay rights.

trust me, malays will only be respected when status and contracts are form their own effort and not because of their "cable" in the government.. we all know about this dont we? I know many malays who have success with their own efforts and sweat. i respect them for that. they shows the extraordinary capabilities that we, the malays once had. we conquer the tanah melayu, the sumatera and the borneo.. we also once had warriors who fights for their country and not for fame and name..

many of the malays nowadays also had gone overseas to find greater success..they are unafraid of fair and just competition. do malays, with the guarantees of article 153 of federal constitutions, still need further assistance from the government? I do feel that malays still need assistance but in context of providing safety net for the poor and needy. rejecting malay supremacy does not mean rejecting the privileges provided for by the law that is the back bone of the country. THE REAL QUESTION IS.. WHICH MALAY TRULY NEED ASSISTANCE?

the form and manner in which we help the malays is just as important so there are sufficient resources for all and not just SELECTED malays. this is important to reduce the current widespread discrimination and cronyism.

but.. deep in my heart.. the 30% bumiputra equity are extremely important for malays. i cant imagine the malays to challenge gov projects and contracts with the chinese. but till when we must be afraid? my sister are currently studying at MRSM kubang pasu.. recently, my mom attended her graduation day.. know what? the best student at that particular MRSM is a chinese girl came from a small village called kandang in malacca. the top 5 richest man in malaysia are all from different races than malays.. why? because we are less courageous than them.

my purpose to criticize the concept of malay suprmacy and the wrongly intrepeted NEP that was carried on after 1990, is to ensure that the policy to help bumiputras continues to succeed without upsetting or making it difficult for anyone else. From what i see, some umno leaders do not want the people, especially the malays to understand the difference between the policy and its implementation as one to benefit malays or to which benefits their cronies alone. they want to hide this from the public eye. in fact, we are the only country in the world where the majority race got privileges..

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