Monday, March 8, 2010

List Of Most Corrupt Countries In S.E.A

* The purpose i post this is because i heard someone told me that Malaysia were ranked 6th in the world's most corrupted nation in the WORLD. How can that be if we are ranked 9th in South East Asia? Hope this post had cleared y'all thoughts.

10. Singapore 9.4
--Of course, who else? They placed beautifully in the world ranking at 5th! What can we say? Small nations are easier to manage. Kudos to the Singaporean government.In my next life, I wanna be Singaporean (or Malaysian) :-)

9. Malaysia 5.0
--Three thumbs up to the government's announcement to raise their public servant's pay to a whopping 30%! (I think more than that, I'm not sure) That's how they do it. Make the government employees happy to eradicate corruption. Very simple, really. Wait... are taxi extortions classified as corruption? If it is, Malaysia's rank would significantly fall way, way below Haiti! :-)

8. Thailand 3.6
--The score is not too impressive but better than 100 other countries (163 total worldwide) on the list. The low score was mostly because of Khun Thanksin, who else?

5. Laos, Vietnam and East Timor 2.6
-- Three countries share the 5th spot with their alarming 2.6 score. I can drive without a license in Laos and when caught... I pay the police 50,000 Kip (200 Baht, RM20, US$ 5) and I'm on my way. But hey! I offered them -- they didn't ask for it, ok?

--I have no comment with Vietnam, I haven't seen anything yet. And what's with East Timor? Mr. Horta has a lot of cleaning up to do.

4. The Philippines 2.5
--Having scored lower than Communist Laos & Vietnam is something very alarming,really. But when I was there a month ago, I didn't see anything suspicious. My British buddy who lives in Mindanao Island (apparently the most corrupt of all places in the country) and he doesn't share the same opinion with TI. He even had the experience of being lectured by a policeman and lambasted by a government employee when he tried to offer a bribe. They just refused to be bribed. Those people are worth praising, don't you think?

3. Indonesia 2.4
--Corruption surveys like these are never kind to Indonesia. They really wanted to maintain the reputation, don't they?

2. Cambodia 2.1
--If they are one of the most corrupt, why are they still poor? --I mean the government employees. I go to the Thai-Cambodian border from time to time to play casino. Those same Cambodian Immigration officers who asks for an additional 200 Baht "processing"fee are the same people for like what?-- 5 years ago!? If they get 200 Baht per transient and have more than 2,000 people goes in and out of Cambodia everyday...where do the money go? They still look the same to me!

1. Burma 1.9
--The Military Junta who rules Burma (Myanmar) won't let it go without a fight. The International Community has been bullying them for years but they are still sitting comfortably. Siting the ASEAN's agreement of non-interference, I'm gonna limit my comment on their way of government, I'm not gonna say anything except .... HEY! YOU IDIOTS! FREE AUNG SAN SUU KYI! NOW! -- There. Thank you.

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