Tuesday, March 9, 2010

We Are Leaders Of Tomorrow

I was at home last nite with my housemate, Paan watching a segment called "soal jawab" on tv3. In this episode, they invite Muhammad Fairus Khairuddin ( former deputy chief minister of Penang ).

I was interested in one of the question thrown to him which is about youth in Malaysia who did not interested to join any political party. I was interested with this particular question because I am one of the youths and I juz wanna know what Fairus would respond to that question. And Fairus answer was " youth today are the leaders of tomorrow " . I believe that all of us agree with that and there is no single doubt that we are the leaders of tomorrow. But.....

Looking at the scenario of politics now in Malaysia was embarrassing. Me my self didn't know which box should i cross in the March 2008 election ( which is my first voting experience ). Why should I care? or I may say that why should WE ( the youths ) care? I cant see any major differences between UMNO and PKR when UMNO lead the state and when PKR did. Even though when UMNO lead Selangor, there is no such thing as " Pembentangan Ekonomi Selangor" which has been done by Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim himself at MBSA Hall in Shah Alam. WE ( the people who cares ) who can only know what is the differences shown by the party that people vote for.

For some people they might feel the huge differences especially contractors who in need of projects or contracts. With PKR conquering selangor, UMNO members will only rely on federal goverments projects only. This is a huge blow for them.

My father had been a great politician for about 30 years. and what has he got? nothing. The malays call it " perjuangan yang sia sia " but my father says " perjuangan yang belum selesai ". UMNO in Selangor had a major problems at the grass root levels especially. The Pandan UMNO division chief were under investigation for corruption and his deputy who he believes had " betrayed " him were seen unfit to lead the division by the other UMNO members. Now its up to the Deputy division chief ( who is my father's former best friend and now he is the enemy ) to take the roll as "pemangku". Unfortunately, this not only happen in Pandan division but it also happens in other divisions as well. I didn't know much about PKR in Pandan so I cant tell you about it at this moment. But the only thing I know that Penang are in chaos right now. And the " kalimah Allah " issue really shows that PKR does not stand to their principles.

That is why for me, we didn't really know which party will fight for the people and not for individuals. Corruption is so obvious in this country ( you can pay RM20 to clear your RM300 summons ). My friend once told me that if you did not have any assets or a large amount of money, better don't join politic. And for me he is absolutely correct! when I ask my mum about why my father join politics? she says because of his " perjuangan " then i ask back "perjuangan" apa? there she cant answer me. Know why? because there is no " perjuangan " rite now! people now fights for position and for wealth! not for the people who cast their vote to them!

Even though how hard we tried to fight corruption, our voice or our concern will only fall in deaf ears. I cant fight corruption if I am only a regular UMNO member can I? and to be up there at the highest level in the UMNO division hierarchy would cost me maybe around 100k in the party election. How in the name of god people would fight against corruption when they are corrupt as well?

I've been to Janda Baik, Pahang where my uncle who is UMNO youth leader ask me to go to attend a course " Membina Jati Diri " if i'm not mistaken. The course took place at ILMU ( institut latihan memperkasa Umno ). Again, if i'm not mistaken, the 3 days event costs about RM 50,000. There goes the people's money. Wasted just like that. The organizers invited several key leaders in UMNO which is Tun Mahathir himself, Dato Mukhriz, Dato Seri Utama Rais Yatim, Dato Maslan, Tan Sri Sanusi Junid and several others. I was amazed by Dato Seri Utama Rais Yatim speech. He proudly says that the government has tv, radio and newspapers in control. Only the internet government could not control. Is this what we call democracy? People who wanted to deliver their speech freely could only do it on the net. And they criticised us for being a coward. Remember, a coward is the one who doesn't do anything! there is no transparency in our beloved nation.

I believe, one fine day, InsyAllah, that somebody will change this. Somebody who is brave enough to stand alone and fight against all odds to justify the right over wrong. Somebody who is a leader judged by his character and not by his speech, a leader who chose the people over money, a leader who chose integrity and principles over popularity and a leader who will always choose the right decision even it is hard to swallow...

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